Hidden Trails Spring 2014 Newsletter
Cherry blossoms are out! Spring, summer, fall, before you know it--winter is here again! It's been a good start for the 2014 season for us during the winter months. The trend was mostly for Central and South America trips but a lot of our North American, European, and other trips have picked up the pace as well. Many riding trips in guest ranches as well as pack trips, horse drives, and cattle drives are quickly filling up for the summer and fall tour dates--make sure you plan ahead and book well in advanced before the best date that works for you is fully booked! To reserve your tour, go to http://www.hiddentrails.com/reserve

Trip Finder
We've tweaked our Trip Finder function and now it is more responsive than before. You can do a quick keyword search or filter by destination and/or tour type. Give it a try! http://www.hiddentrails.com/tripfinder/
Special Offers
As always we have a special page for "Special Offers" - there are some excellent deals available if you act quickly ... they will not last. Where else can you find a $520 discount? Have a look at: http://www.hiddentrails.com/tripfinder/specials.aspx
New Trips
We recently added a few more new exciting trips to our program - a full list can be found on our website at: http://www.hiddentrails.com/tripfinder/newrides.aspx
Some trips have been flagged as "new" due to revised itinerary -- more brand new trips will be added very soon!
"Add to Favorites" is a function we added to our website to help you keep track of your favorite and riding trip "bucket list". It's also a great way for us to group riders together that's interested in the same trip. Look for the "Add to Favorites" icon in the lower right section of a tour's page to start using this feature.
Media Center
Our Media Center is a great place to browse through our trips with an emphasis on --> Slide Shows, Online Videos, Trip Ratings and Travel Stories ... have a look at the visually exciting section of our website at: http://www.hiddentrails.com/media/index.aspx
Social Networks
Your can now follow us on Facebook and Twitter .. or stay in touch with the latest updates and subscribe to our RSS Feed.
We look forward to hearing from you soon! Have a great day!
Kind regards, Hidden Trails Team