February is almost gone and winter weather is persistant this year. On a recent visit to Tucson, AZ I was greeted with sub zero weather and my thoughts are wondering off into warmer climates. I must not be the only one, because one thing is certain ... our clients are traveling again - is the recession over !? Our Canadian friends enjoy one of the best exchagnes rates since the 70s ... the "Loonie Soars".
We have been very busy in the office and several of our trips are starting to fill up - some are already Sold Out for this year (Monument Valley, Grand Canyon). But not to worry - we still have lots of good equestrian vacation options for you. As a matter of fact we have added a number of excellent rides for you that you may want to consider ... have a look on our website with listings of all new 2011 rides at:
http://www.hiddentrails.com/tripfinder/newrides.aspx .
We are particularly happy about these additions in
Uganda, Bulgaria, Spain, Yukon in Canada, California Dude Ranch and rides in Brazil.
Are you still looking for a great horseback riding trip this year ?
Here are some trips that I personally like a lot:
Machu Picchu Mountains Lodges - a spectacular ride with superb accommodations along the way
Volcano Avenue Ride - truly amazing countryside and some dates include horse and cattle round-ups
Laguna Negra Ride - wide open beaches and unique landscapes from Sand Dunes to Palm forests
Torres del Paine Estancias Ride - breathtaking glaciers, lakes and wide open pampas
Colores de Mexico Ride - one of the best deals
Classic Cavalcade - one of the BEST rides and see millions of Monrach Butterflies on trips between November and March
Chilko Explorer Ride - pristine lakes and rivers, breathtaking mountain scenery and good paced riding
Appalachian Gourmet Ride - great ride in Qubec with fine cuisine
Pleasant Valley Cattle Ranch - ranch activities combined with luxurious accommodations and fine dining
Grapevine Canyon Ranch - this remains one of our favourite ranches with brethtaking scenery in the Dragoons
Pack Trips in Arizona - explore the Gila and Blue Wilderness of New Mexico
Hidden Trails Equestrian Vacation Book
The 196 page Equestrian Book is still available Free of Charge
for limited time + NO shipping and handling charges for within the USA and Canada.
Special Offers:
All of our Special offers can be found on our Specials pages.
Hidden Trails Blog:
Since you are probably reading this newsletter on our Blog -- you already know that it is live and ready for your comments and input.
We hope it will be a good vehicle for exchange of ideas. Go to Blog
Social Networks:
Your can now follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/equestrianvacations) and Twitter .. or stay in touch with the latest updates and subscribe to our RSS Feed.
Thanks for your continued interest and support.
Ryan Schmidt
Hidden Trails
- Explore the World on & with Hidden Trails -
Over 300 riding and outdoor destinations are listed on our
Internet: http://hiddentrails.com