Explore the World on &
for your trip
So you have booked your trip. You are bouncing with
excitement to spend all day in the saddle for a
week…maybe even two weeks! But it may be that you
haven’t ridden in a few years, or maybe you just
recently started. The following information is here to
help you prepare for your adventure so you can make the
most of every minute.
Getting Fit /
Safety /
Grooming / Saddle Up /
Bridling /
Mounting / Riding Manners /
Getting Fit to Ride
A bit worried about being sore
after spending 6 or 8 hours a day in the saddle? Maybe
you have just started riding, or haven’t ridden in a few
years – but you want to make sure you get the most
enjoyment possible on your Hidden Trails adventure. The
following are several easy out-of-the-saddle exercises
you can use on a daily basis to help stretch, strengthen
and tone important muscle groups to get you in shape for
a great week of riding!
Shoulders, back, overall body
Practice good posture with your shoulders pulled
back, and your back stretched tall. Think about this
when sitting at your desk, driving your car, and walking
down the street. This will help you have the correct
position on horseback and strengthen your shoulders and
An exercise ball is a great tool to improve your
balance, strengthen your core, and can be used to
strengthen specific muscle groups. Trade the couch for
the ball! An easy and effective start is to simply sit
straight up on the ball with your feet on the floor and
your knees at a 90 degree angle while watching TV or
sitting at the computer. Other exercises using the ball
can be found
here or ask for some tips at your local gym.
Abs – sit ups and the Plank
Good riding is abs riding. This means that you need
to really use your abdominal muscles to balance
yourself, rather than clinching the horse with the legs.
If your abs are weak, spend five to ten minutes a day
doing crunches, and other abdominal exercises. Doing
sit-ups with an exercise ball is up to 20% more
Another good abs exercise is the Plank. This is a yoga
move but it is great for your core muscles. Put yourself
into the pushup position but instead of leaning on your
hands, lean on your forearms. Push yourself up so that
only the balls of your feet and your forearms are
touching the floor. Crunch your inner muscles as well.
Hold for about 15 -30 seconds. Repeat 2 to 5 times
depending on your fitness level. (A modified version is
just being in the upper pushup position and holding).
Inner thighs – beach ball, leg
lift and/ or hip abductor
Your inner thigh is likely to be the sorest part of
your body after a long day of riding, so be sure to do
some exercises to strengthen these muscles! Having a
strong inner thigh is a great way to increase your
ability to hang on to your horse with your legs.
Beach ball exercise:
Use any rubber or plastic ball as long as it is at least
a foot in diameter. Sit on the very edge of a hard
chair so that your thighs are completely off of it and
your knees are at right angles to the floor. Place the
beach ball between your knees. Squeeze the beach ball
between your knees, hold for fifteen seconds, and then
release. Do this thirty times per day until it is easy,
then increase to forty.
Leg Lift:
Lie on your left side with your head resting on a
rolled-up towel to maintain proper alignment of your
head, shoulders, and hips. Bend your right leg and rest
it on the floor in front of you while extending your
left leg straight with the foot. Slowly lift your left
leg about six inches. Hold for a moment and then
gradually lower the leg, beginning the next lift before
your foot touches back down on the floor. After ten
lifts, roll onto your right side and repeat. Complete 2
sets of 10 lifts with each leg. 2 sets of 10 repetitions
each is a good starting point.
If you are a member of a gym use the "hip abductor"
machine. It is a very effective machine that works your
inner and outer thighs.
Calf - Stairs
Using a stair, stepstool, box or step, of a similar
height (between 6” and 12”), stand on the stair with
just the front part of your foot at the edge (about as
much as would be in a stirrup). Slowly stretch down and
lower your heels until you feel the stretch in your
calves, and hold for ten seconds. Then, rise up to your
tip-toes and hold for another ten seconds. Do fifteen
repetitions until it is easy, and then increase to
twenty. This will help you learn to lengthen your leg
in the stirrup. It will also give you more flexibility
in the saddle.
Cardiovascular Conditioning
Try to fit in 30 minutes of cardio activity at least
3 times a week. Walking, jogging, biking, dancing, a
game of squash…anything that gets your heart rate
going! This will help you especially on rides that
include greater amounts of trotting and cantering.
Don’t forget to stretch!
WikiHow. <http://www.wikihow.com/Get-Into-Shape-for-Horseback-Riding
> Accessed February 24th, 2009.
BNET. “Slim your inner thighs:
three new moves to get you sleek and sculpted –
Targettraining.” <http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0846/is_4_23/ai_111146668>.
Accessed February 24th, 2009.
Getting Fit /
Safety /
Grooming / Saddle Up /
Bridling /
Mounting / Riding Manners /
Top |
Safety, and Caring for your Horse
Many (most?) of Hidden
Trails’ tours ask that you help care for the horse you
are partnering with for the duration of your trip. The
purpose of this is not to make you work while your guide
sits down with a cold one, but instead it is an
opportunity to create a special bond with your horse.
While you won’t find yourself picking stalls or
scrubbing water buckets, you will likely be asked to
groom, tack, tie, and maybe feed your equine sidekick.
Be assured, there will always be a staff member around
to help and teach you, but the following information can
be used to refresh your memory on a few key horse-care
No matter how gentle your horse,
there is always the chance for injury when you are
around it. A horseman keeps in mind that, in the wild, a
horse is a “flight animal.” His defense from danger is
to run away. If you are in the way, you could easily be
hurt. Here are a few tips to keep you out of harms
Plan ahead. Make sure you know what you are
going to do with your horse, and that there is adequate
space and equipment to take those actions.
Do your best to not surprise your horse. Speak
to him when you approach so he knows you are there.
Don’t make any sudden loud noises that could spook him.
Be aware of activity and commotion in the surrounding
area that could potentially surprise your horse. While
you may not be able to prevent a spook, it is important
to be aware of what may startle him so that you are
prepared to get out of the way.
Don’t put yourself in a position where you can’t
get out of the way when grooming, saddling or unsaddling
your horse. For example, DO NOT push your way between
the horse and the fence, barn or trailer to which he is
tied. He might suddenly jump, step on you, or crowd you
into a solid wall.
When you walk around your horse’s hindquarters,
a) stay
in close and place your hand on his hindquarters so he
knows where you are. By staying close, if he does kick,
you will not receive the full impact; or
b) Keep
a wide birth, staying well out of kicking range.
Be aware of signs your horse is giving
you. For example, if he is pinning his ears, be very
careful around his face and feet, as he may be preparing
to kick and/or bite. If your horse is tense and focusing
on something in the distance, he may be about to spook.
You may want to untie him if you are afraid he may pull
back. In any case, be sure you have enough space so you
will not be stepped on if your horse does jump.
Tie your horse to a sturdy object and at
wither height to prevent him from getting loose or
stepping over his rope. Use a quick-release knot so you
can quickly free your horse if he sets back. If you are
unsure at all, ask your guide for assistance.
Always wear boots or leather shoes to
protect your feet when you are working around your
horse. Nothing ends a trip’s fun like a broken toe!
Getting Fit /
Safety /
Grooming / Saddle Up /
Bridling /
Mounting / Riding Manners /
Top |
Grooming your horse is an important
part of your riding experience. Not only does it clean
your horse, reducing the chance of him getting a sore
from the tack, it also gives you the opportunity to get
to know your horse. The following are basic steps to
safely groom your horse.
You should have quick access to a curry comb,
body brush and hoof pick. You may also want to use a
finishing brush and tail comb.
Curry any dirt from your horse, paying special
attention to where the tack will sit. Follow with a
body brush to whisk away all the dirt and dust that has
been lifted by the curry comb. Be sure to check for any
cuts, scrapes, or swelling and alert your guide to
anything you find.
Pick your horse’s feet before and after your ride
to ensure a rock or other object is not lodged in his
shoe. Check his shoes to be sure they are all nailed on
tightly. Watch that your feet are out of the way if
your horse was to drop his foot unexpectedly.
If you have a tail comb, be sure you stand to the
side while you brush out the knots. This keeps you out
of kicking range.
Getting Fit /
Safety /
Grooming / Saddle Up /
Bridling /
Mounting / Riding Manners /
Top |
Saddle Up!
Since many types of saddles are
used on Hidden Trail tours, your guide will give you a
run down on how to saddle your horse with the specific
tack you are given. However there are a few things that
apply to any saddle.
Check the blanket or pad for foreign objects such
as dirt, straw or sticks. These will cause an irritation
if placed against the horse’s back. Put the blanket and
pad in place, always a little forward of where they
actually belong. They are then slid back into position
to “set the hair” on the horse's back. This helps
eliminate the possibility of saddle sores.
Ensure all parts of the saddle are secure
(cinch/girth, stirrups etc.) when you heave it onto your
horse’s back. You don’t want anything to slap against
your horse’s side and spook him.
Check that the blanket or pad is not pressed
tightly against your horse’s withers. This is
uncomfortable for your horse and may make him
Make sure you re-tighten your girth/cinch before
you mount, and then check it again after riding for a
moment. Many horses will take a deep breath as you
tighten the girth/cinch the first time, causing the
saddle to be loose when you mount. Give him a chance to
relax and completely exhale so you can get your saddle
Getting Fit /
Safety /
Grooming / Saddle Up /
Bridling /
Mounting / Riding Manners /
Top |
Improper bridling habits can
quickly teach a horse to shy away from the bridle when
you attempt to put it on. To prevent this, always
Fasten your (untied) halter around your horse’s
neck when bridling and unbridling. This allows you to
remain in control of your horse.
Be gentle when putting the bit in your horse’s
mouth. Don’t try to push it in, instead using your
thumb in the corner of his mouth (where there are no
teeth), wait for him to open his mouth before you slide
the bit in.
Handle your horse’s ears carefully, don’t grab
them suddenly, and bend them through the bridle gently.
Be sure the headstall is sitting comfortably in the
proper place.
When you remove the bridle, slide the headstall
over the horse’s ears and allow him to “spit out” the
bit. Just pulling the headstall down will bump the
horse’s teeth and make him head-shy.
Getting Fit /
Safety /
Grooming / Saddle Up /
Bridling /
Mounting / Riding Manners /
Top |
Mounting and Dismounting
In most trips, you will be expected
to be able to mount and dismount on your own. A few key
points to remember when mounting:
Make sure you check that your girth/cinch is
tight before swinging up.
Be sure you have good footing so you don’t chance
slipping under your horse.
Always mount from the left side, unless the
location you are in makes it impossible.
Retain control of your horse when mounting.
Don’t let him walk away or step sideways. Not only does
this teach him bad manners but it is dangerous for you.
If you are on a hill, make sure your horse is on
the downhill side. This will make it much easier for you
to step up into the stirrup. If available, use a box or
step stool to mount from. This is easier on your
horse’s back because you don’t have to pull yourself up
as much.
Ensure you sit down gently once you swing your leg
over. Plopping down can make your horse’s back sore.
Getting Fit /
Safety /
Grooming / Saddle Up /
Bridling /
Mounting / Riding Manners /
Top |
One of the best parts of the Hidden
Trails experience is riding with your new friends. Just
remember, good horseback manners go hand in hand with
having an enjoyable time. Whether riding in an arena or
out in the back country, being considerate of other
riders and aware of footing conditions keeps the chances
for an accident at a minimum.
Keep your horse under
control and maintain a secure seat at all times.
Clowning around, trotting or galloping when other
riders are walking, or cutting across switchbacks on
the trail can be dangerous for everyone.
If your horse becomes
frightened at a strange object, remain calm (your
fear can be transmitted to the horse), speak quietly
to steady the animal and give it time to overcome
the fear. (Remember, a horse’s initial response to
fear is to run away.) Then, ride or lead the horse
past the obstacle.
When riding in an arena,
pass riders going the opposite direction to you left
shoulder to left shoulder. Yield the rail to riders
going faster than you unless directed otherwise by
an instructor.
When you wish to pass
other riders, be sure that there is plenty of room.
Let them know that you wish to pass, then, when
there is an opening, ride by.
Hold your mount down to
a walk when going up or down hills. If he begins
lunging, he could lose his balance and fall.
Allow the horse to pick
his own way at a walk when riding on rough ground,
in mud, or on ice or snow. It’s easy enough to slip
when he’s being careful. Trotting or loping could
cause the animal to fall. Always walk when crossing
paved roads or on rocky ground. Your horse might
slip and fall on the slick surface.
Never ride away from a
group until ALL the members are mounted and ready to
go. The other horses may want to move when your
mount does and someone might not be secure in the
saddle. If you ride through a gate, be sure to wait
until it has been closed and the person who has done
that chore is mounted and ready before you ride off.
Ride abreast (if there
is room) or stay a full horse length behind the
horse ahead of you. This helps reduce the
possibility that you, or your horse, might be
If your horse becomes
frightened and tries to run away, pull on one rein
to turn the horse in circles, gradually decreasing
the size of the circle. Eventually you will be able
to bring the animal to a halt. The same technique
can be used when you are on foot and leading your
If you notice another
rider having troubles controlling his or her horse,
halt your horse in a space that provides ample room
for the rider of the out-of-control horse regain
control. This will help the rider to focus on his
or her horse rather than worrying about running into
other moving horses. It also may help calm the
horse. If the out-of-control horse gets the other
horses worked up, you may want to dismount until all
horses are calmed.
Getting Fit /
Safety /
Grooming / Saddle Up /
Bridling /
Mounting / Riding Manners /
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