Horseback riding in Missouri, USA

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- Ozarks Ranch Getaway
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Equestrian tours in USA, Missouri
Ozarks Ranch Getaway

Ozarks Ranch Getaway
Missouri USA

Literally sit back, relax and experience the pleasures of authentic country living while riding the smooth gait of the Missouri Foxtrotter horse! 

Every season during the year, the Ozarks highlands offers a spectacular beauty and an abundance of activities, so we welcome you to come visit with us on of our family run working farm. Conveniently located only1 hour from St. Louis and the Lambert International Airport, our ranch stay makes for short, yet satisfying getaway from the norm. On the way to visit us, your scenic drive southwest through beautiful countryside of rolling hills will  offer you interesting pit stops along the way - wine country vineyards, cave tours, or one of many antique shops! It’s truly a setting for all seasons and that's why we are open year round -  ride the pretty meadows graced with wildflowers in the spring, escape the summer heat after a mid-morning ride by visiting the cool caves along the towering Vilander bluffs or swimming in the rivers, weave through wooded hillside trails splashed with autumn’s stunning red, orange and golds, and  even  enjoy winter’s intimate stillness after a snowfall on the pristine landscape as we go sleigh riding along. No matter what the season, the farm here is a place for peace and discovery, far away from the pressures of the everyday city life. And when the sun starts to set in the big and beautiful western sky and the horses are turned out to night pastures, friends and neighbors gather around the chuck wagon and cowboy campfire for the evening. The smells of genuine cowboy cooking fills the air as you listen to local Bluegrass musicians play old songs. Bring your guitar, banjo, or fiddle and join in! Cowboy pleasures are basic, down to earth and rooted in the land and as simplistic as that sounds, it is a truly gratifying lifestyle we wish to share with you. After a long day riding on the trails or working the ranch with us, we think you will agree!

Your trip will include your accommodations with breakfast and lunch each day and one delicious country BBQ dinner compete with bluegrass music and 3 or 4 riding days (pending on which package).

Guest Ranch
Short Getaway
Family Vacation
Ride with Gaited Horses
Riding with fishing options
Suitable for riders over 210 lbs
Center-based ride

Meeting: Bourbon
Airport: St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL)
Transfer: --
Riders: Min 1 riders
Max 8 riders
(per riding group)

Max Capacity 9

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    Ozarks Ranch Getaway
    Tour Code: GRMO02
    4 days / 3 nights
    Dates : Available all Year

    Trip Rating :
    Difficulty : Riding Level
    Riding Level Explained
    Beginner A rider who has limited experience, is unable to post the trot and does not canter.
    Novice A rider who is capable of mounting and dismounting unassisted, capable of applying basic aids, comfortable and in control at the walk, moderate length posting trots, and short canters.
    Intermediate A rider who has a firm seat, is confident and in control at all paces (including posting trots, two point canters and gallops), but does not ride regularly.
    D Strong Intermediate
    Strong Intermediate An intermediate rider who is currently riding regularly and is comfortable in the saddle for at least 6 hours per day.
    All of the above, plus an independent seat, soft hands, and capable of handlinga spirited horse in open country.
    Lodging: Standard
    Lodging Level Explained
    = Facilities in lodges, estancias, haciendas, resorts, etc.
    Basic lodging - some with shared bathroom facilities, usually no AC or room service.
    Regular standard room - usually with private bath.
     Accommodations with superior comforts.
     = Trips with nights in tent camps. Sometimes the first and last night are in hotels.
    Basic tent camping - everyone helps out with camp chores.
    Regular standard with some camp amenities and camp cook.
    Camping facilities with superior comforts like camp shower, bathroom facility..
     = Trips that combine nights in hotels and camping.
    Basic accommodation and basic camping facilities can be expected.
    Regular standard with some nicer amenities.
    Only assigned to hotel and camping facilities with superior comforts.

    Online Reservation

    Season Seasons  Min / MaxReserve
    A 2025 01/01 - 12/31 4d / 3n 4 day trip 1 /8 Reserve
    Day to Day Itinerary
    Rates | Dates
    Tack: Western, Synthetic Gaited Leather
    Horses: Missouri Fox Trotter, Tennessee Walke...
    Pace: 4 to 6 hrs daily according to riding l...
    Walk, Trot, Canter,
    Airport: St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL)
    Location on Google Map
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    Customer Trip Rating
    What To Bring
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