vacations in South Pacific, Tonga

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- Tonga Islands Kayaking - resort based
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 vacations in Tonga, South Pacific


Intro to Tonga

 tours in Tonga, South Pacific
Tonga Islands Kayaking - resort based

What to Bring for Tonga Islands Kayaking - resort based

Women are advised to dress conservatively (i.e. high necklines, covered shoulders, loose skirts, dresses or pants) in the villages. Lowcut tops, sheer and/or tight clothing should be avoided. Swimsuits are acceptable on the beach; covering up with a lava-lava (wrap-around cloth) is a polite gesture to approaching villagers. Men should wear long shorts in the daytime; long pants or a lava-lava at night-time. Men are also required by law to wear a shirt in public except when on the beach. Footwear is removed before entering a Tongan fale (home).

List of things to bring:
We recommend bringing your own snorkeling gear to ensure a good fit.
Lightweight cotton or quick-dry clothing is recommended for Tonga’s warm tropical climate. Long-sleeved shirts with a collar offer good sun protection. Lava-lavas (2 meter wrap-around cloth) may be purchased in Tonga. It is a good idea to bring along two lava-lavas, one for wearing over shorts or a swimsuit when entering villages and a clean one for other occasions.
If you have any questions about clothing or equipment, consult your local canoe or outdoor equipment retailer or contact us. Any excess baggage can be left at our base in safekeeping.

--  Passport,
 --  Travellers’ cheques, small notes (pa’anga)
 --  Basic first aid kit
 --  Toiletries
 --  Toilet paper (preferably unbleached)
 --  Sun screen (SPF30+)
 --  Lip screen (SPF30+)
 --  Insect repellent
 --  Sun hat (stiff brimmed) with chin strap
 --  Sunglasses (preferably polarized) with neck strap
 --  Pack towel (viscose or polyester / polyamide)
 --  Drink bottle (1-2 litres)
 --  Cotton-lycra swimsuit, sports bra & briefs
 --  Lightweight rain jacket with hood
 --  Lightweight fleece jacket (i.e. Polartec 100)
 --  Cotton T-shirts (long & short sleeved)
 --  Quick dry shorts & pants
 --  Calf-length skirt/dress
 --  Lava-lava (can be purchased in Tonga)
 --  Cotton socks & underwear (for duration of trip)
 --  Heavy-duty rubbish bags (for lining stuff sacks)
 --  Waist pack
 --  Ziploc bags (medium & large)
 --  Flashlight/headlamp, spare batteries, lighter

Optional Items
 --  Binoculars
 --  Hand sanitizer, handy wipes
 --  Talcum powder and/or Vaseline (for preventing chafing)
 --  Camera, film, spare batteries
 --  Favourite snacks, drink crystals
 --  Fishing lures & hand line
 --  Pocket knife, sewing/repair kit
 --  Reading & writing materials
 --  Small brush (for sandy feet)
 --  Summer weight sleeping bag/quilt /blanket (June-Sept)
 --  Half wetsuit 3mm (June-Sept)
 --  Cycling gloves (without fingers)
 --  Lightweight quick dry top (e.g. polypropylene)
 --  Reef shoes or old running shoes
      (for intertidal walks)

Theft is not common in Tonga. However, in a culture where “what’s mine is yours” and items are “borrowed” indefinitely, unattended personal belongings and valuables are at risk. We recommend you bring your passport and airline tickets in a dry bag on the kayak trip so that, in the unlikely event of evacuation, your guides can readily access these documents.

Photographic opportunities abound in Tonga! Tongan people are very photogenic and enjoy having their photo taken (except when they are eating). Asking their permission first is a polite gesture. Fujichrome Velvia professional film does justice to the tropical blues and greens of the water and foliage. We recommend that all film be processed in your home country for best results. A zoom lens is handy especially for photographing whales. However, bear in mind that the humidity and salt water can damage camera lenses and electronics. For this reason, some prefer to leave their expensive camera at home and bring an inexpensive disposable or waterproof camera instead. If you do decide to bring an expensive camera, store it in a dry bag or waterproof case with silicon packs and insure your camera. Bring plenty of spare film and batteries.

Owing to the shape of a kayak, space inside the watertight hatches is limited so please try to restrict your gear to a minimum.
Large dry bags, duffel bags and backpacks cannot be accommodated in the kayak hatches. Please bring no more than 2 medium sized (20L-25L) dry bags per person - one for clothing; the other for miscellaneous items - plus one small (10L) dry bag per person for items you need to access in the cockpit (e.g. wallet, documents, sun screen etc.). A mesh bag containing your snorkelling gear is additional to the above
items. Nylon stuff sacs lined with heavy-duty rubbish bags are a more affordable option if you do not already have dry bags. However, a dry bag for the cockpit is essential. Camera and optical equipment should be waterproofed and insured.

Quick-dry clothing is recommended for Tonga’s warm tropical climate. Long-sleeved shirts with a collar offer good sun protection. Lava-lavas (2 metre wraparound cloth) may be purchased in Tonga. It is advisable to bring along two lavalavas (wrap around skirts), one for wearing over shorts or a swimsuit when entering villages and a clean one for other occasions.
Any excess baggage can be left at your own risk at our base, which is unoccupied overnight.
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Tonga Islands Kayaking - resort based
Tour Code: ZZ-SKEC-20
7 days / 6 nights ~$3,000.00
Dates: June to September

Level : Fitness Level
Difficulty Levels Explained
1. Easy
Easy pace and an average-to-sedentary level of fitness. You should be in good health and fit enough for full day of normal sightseeing and walking.
2. Easy to Moderate
An average level of fitness or some experience with the featured activity is recommended.
3. Moderate
Requires you to have performed the featured activity regularly, with some periods on challenging terrain. Activities are mandatory and you may be traveling at high elevations. You need to be in good health and physical condition to enjoy these trips, with adequate muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
4. Demanding
You must be extremely physically fit and are expected to hike or ride four to six hours over steep or more rugged terrain.
5. Strenuous
Prolonged hiking/biking on moderate to difficult terrain (five to nine hours a day).
May include high altitude, rugged terrain etc..
Day to Day Itinerary
Rates | Dates
Airport: Salote Pilolevu Airport
3 days kayaking; 1 day whale watching;

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