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 tours in Ecuador, Galapagos
Coral I & II  4 day Cruise

Itinerary for Coral I & II 4 day Cruise

Sample Itinerary: Central option - subject to changes

Day 1 (Sunday): Arrival & Santa Cruz Island Visit
Departure from Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra Island (approx. 2½-hour flight). Arriving in the Galapagos, passengers are picked up at the airport by our naturist guides and taken on a ten-minute bus drive to the pier to board the M/Y Coral I or M/Y Coral II.

This afternoon, dry landing on Santa Cruz Island. We visit the Station where the Galapagos giant tortoise breeding program  takes place as part of our efforts to preserve the fragile Galapagos environment and where
the famous Lonesome George (the last surviving specimen of his species) lived for decades. Admire a prickly-pear cactus forest and variety Darwin’s finches and other land  birds. The Darwin Station also works providing environmental education to the  communities, schools, and tourists visiting the Galapagos Islands. You will also have some  free time to visit the town and shop for souvenirs.
Difficulty level: intermediate (flat terrain)
Duration: 1 ½-hour

Day 2 (Monday): Barranco & Darwin Bay (Genovesa Island)
We start the day with a dry landing on Genovesa island. Be marveled at the variety of sea life that uses the crevices of the lava cliffs for shelter. Red-billed Tropic birds fly overhead, switching between their nests and the bay, and a small colony of fur seals may be found near the landing site. You will be dropped off at a steep stairway that begins on rocks at the foot of a path that leads through a seabird colony full of Nazca and Red-footed Boobies. At the plateau, the trail continues inland allowing you to see more nesting booby colonies in the thin Palo Santo forest. Near the end of the trail, over a rocky lava plain, Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrels can be observed flying in all directions. If you are lucky, you may catch a glimpse of a Short-eared Owl.
Difficulty level: moderate (rocky - lava terrain)
Duration: 45 minute

After lunch, we have a wet landing in Darwin Bay, where we disembark onto a small sand and coral beach. A short trail heads west along a tidal lagoon and then up a rocky hill that leads to a point overlooking the cliffs and Darwin Bay. Along the trail near the tidal lagoon, visitors will see pairs of Swallow-tailed Gulls, Lava Gulls, Yellow-crowned and Lava Herons. The trail continues through Palo Santo trees, Opuntia cacti, and Saltbushes inhabited by Great Frigate birds and Red-footed Boobies. This is one of the few places in the islands where visitors are guaranteed to see Red-footed Boobies. It is estimated that more than 200,000 Red-footed Boobies live in the trees and bushes of Genovesa.
Difficulty level: moderate (sand and lava)
Duration: 2:30-hour

Day 3 (Tuesday): Rabida Island & Bartolome Island
Also known as Jervis Island in English, Rabida is one of the most diverse in terms of volcanic activity as it lies at the very heart of the archipelago’s volcanic origin. In this deep red beach, surrounded by cliffs and steep slopes of volcanic cinder cones it is usual to find nesting colonies of brown pelicans, as well as, nine species of Darwin finches, fur seals, and Nazca boobies.
Snorkel off the coast, where marine life is particularly active and colorful.
Activity Difficulty: easy (sandy terrain)
Activity Duration: 1 ½-hour walk / 1-hour snorkeling / 1-hour dinghy ride

In the afternoon, we go to visit the center of the archipelago. Bartolome is one of the most frequently visited sites of all the islands. The highest point is only 374 feet (114 m) above sea level and it  has a surface area of 0.74 mi (1.2 km). The island is separated from the island of Santiago by the Sullivan Bay. It is an excellent site for snorkeling, filled with the breathtaking volcanic landscapes that make this corner of the world so unique. The first landing possibility is by a dock, made out of lava and concrete, which soon turns into a wooden staircase built to avoid erosion and consists of 372 steps. It leads to the island’s summit, where you will find what probably constitutes the most photographed site in the Galapagos: the Pinnacle Rock.
Due to its altitude, the lack of vegetation is immediately noticeable. Pioneer plants can be observed, which are called this way because they are the first to establish roots on new ground. They include Tiquilia nesiotica (which is endemic to the island) and Chamaesyce (known as sand mat or spurge in English), lava cactus, and Scalesia bushes. Behind the beach, there are dunes covered by mangroves. The second type of landing possibility is at coralline beach next to Pinnacle Rock which is a wet landing site. From this point, you will be able to snorkel among tropical fish, perhaps sea lions and penguins as they rest on the lava floors of the intertidal zone and sometimes decide to take a dip.
Landing 1): dry, to trek up Summit Trail.
Landing 2): wet, to visit Bartolome Beach.
Difficulty level: intermediate (sandy volcanic ash trail and 372 step in a wooden stairway)
Duration: 1:30 hour hike, 1 hour beach time, swimming or snorkeling.

Day 4 (Wednesday): Black Turtle Cove (Santa Cruz Island) & Departure
On the north shore of Santa Cruz Island, accessible only by sea, four species of mangrove crowd form an internal lagoon: Black Turtle Cove. Turtles visit the calm waters, peaking their heads above the surface, while the fish and rays circle below. White-tipped reef sharks can be seen beneath the boat, plus seabirds including pelicans, herons, and egrets feed from the cove. This cove has been declared as a “Turtle Sanctuary.”
Activity Difficulty: easy
Activity Duration: 1-hour dinghy ride

After the visit, passengers will be transferred to the airport to their return flight to Guayaquil or Quito.

Sample Itinerary: East option - subject to changes

Day 1 (Sunday): Arrival & North Seymour Island Visit
Departure from Quito or Guayaquil to Baltra (2 ½ hours flight). Passengers are picked up at the airport by our naturalist guides and taken on a ten minute bus drive to the pier to board the Coral I or II.

In the afternoon, we do a dry landing on North Seymour Island. This is perhaps one of the busiest tourist destinations on the archipelago. Off of Baltra Island (where the airport is located) and not far from Santa Cruz, North
Seymour is the most accessible for day trips out of Santa Cruz’s main port, Puerto Ayora.
An approximately two hour walk amidst large nesting colonies of blue-footed boobies, magnificent and great frigatebirds, and swallow-tailed gulls for an in depth encounter with sea bird breeding cycles and as well as sea lions. You will also encounter sea lions, land iguanas, and on a lucky day, you might even come across a Galapagos Snake.
Difficulty level: intermediate (rocky ground)
Duration: 2-hour walk / 30-minute snorkeling

Day 2 (Monday): Breeding Center (Santa Cruz Island) & Mosquera Islet
We start the day with a dry Landing on Santa Cruz Island to visit the Charles Darwin Station and Fausto Llerena Breeding Center, where the Galapagos giant tortoise breeding program takes place as part of our efforts to
preserve the fragile Galapagos environment and where the famous Lonesome George (the last surviving specimen of his species) lived for decades. Here you will be able to see tortoises through all their stages including hatchings, juveniles, and full-grown individuals. The breeding project began in the 1970’s and has been an incredible success in helping repopulate the Galapagos Giant Tortoise population. Out of the eleven species that were once considered to be endangered species 10 subspecies of Galapagos Tortoise have been brought up to guarded levels. The most successful story is the one of the Espa ola Tortoises. When the program began, it consisted of a total population of 3 males and 11 females. As of 2008, these 13 tortoises are the parents of over 1000 young tortoises that now roam free on Espa ola. The Darwin Station also works providing environmental education to communities and schools within the islands and to tourists visiting the Galapagos Islands.
Difficulty level: easy (flat terrain)
Duration: 1 ½-hour walk

This afternoon, wet Landing on Mosquera Islet, located between North Seymour and Baltra Island. Mosquera Islet is a tectonic uplift of sands, coral reefs and rocks, located between North Seymour and Baltra Islands. This flat 0.022 mi (0.06 km ) white sand island has one of the largest colonies of sea lions. Because of this, there are occasional reports of killer whales seen  around this islet. It is also an excellent site for observing shorebirds such as herons and Lava Gulls. You can also spot marine iguanas, blue footed boobies and sally light food crabs. There is no trail on Mosquera Island, so any visitor can enjoy an open area. Most of the islet is covered
with sand and barren lava rock. Very little sesuvium portulacastrum grows on the sand. It is a fun snorkeling site, just swimming off of the beach. There’s a good chance snorkelers will be joined by one or several of the numerous sea lions who live at this Island, specially the playful Young ones. An easily accessed scuba diving site, Mosquera’s maximum depth for this dive site is 30 m and currents are generally mild. This site is famous for the sea lions that come and play during the dive. Sharks, turtles, rays, barracudas and tropical fish are common in this area
Activity Difficulty: easy (sandy terrain)
Activity Duration: 1 ½-hour walk & snorkeling

Day 3 (Tuesday): Santa Fe Island & South Plaza islet
After breakfast, wet landing. Santa Fe shows white sand beaches surrounded by sea lion colonies; through the island path, an endemic cactus forest is passed, home the Santa Fe land iguanas (the largest in the islands). This island is the habitat for a number of species, including the Galapagos hawk, Galapagos snakes, rice rats (one of the few endemic Galapagos rodents), a variety of finches and one of the four mockingbird species of the archipelago.
Activity Difficulty: intermediate (rocky terrain)
Activity Duration: 1 ½-hour walk / 1-hour deep-water snorkeling

In the afternoon, dry landing on the northern part of the Islet. The walk begins with an impressive cactus forest* surrounded by land and marine iguanas; as we reach its highest point, be on the lookout for tropicbirds, a Nazca and blue-footed boobies, swallow-tailed gulls.
 In South Plaza there is a large colony of the smaller sized land iguanas. Approximately, there is a population of 300 individuals. They feed on all kinds of vegetation, but during the dry season survive on the fruits and flowers of Opuntia cacti. Due to their proximity with marine iguanas, this is the only place on Earth where we will find the Galapagos hybrid iguana.
Activity Difficulty: intermediate (rocky terrain)
Activity Duration: 2-hour walk

Day 4 (Wednesday): Lobos Island & Departure
This morning, wet landing on Isla Lobos, approximately 20 minutes by boat from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno. The length of the trail is 850 meters, and the estimated travel time is one hour. There is a small population of blue-footed boobies and common frigatebirds nest at this site. You can see the two species of sea lions present in the Archipelago. During the boat ride, you can see brown pelicans several species of shorebirds.
Difficulty level: easy
Duration: 1:30 - hour walk

After the visit, you will go to San Cristobal Airport for the return flight to Guayaquil or Quito.
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Coral I & II 4 day Cruise
Tour Code: ZZ-EC-GALP04-3
4 days / 3 nights ~$1,895.00
Dates: Available all Year

Trip Rating :
Level : Fitness Level
Difficulty Levels Explained
1. Easy
Easy pace and an average-to-sedentary level of fitness. You should be in good health and fit enough for full day of normal sightseeing and walking.
2. Easy to Moderate
An average level of fitness or some experience with the featured activity is recommended.
3. Moderate
Requires you to have performed the featured activity regularly, with some periods on challenging terrain. Activities are mandatory and you may be traveling at high elevations. You need to be in good health and physical condition to enjoy these trips, with adequate muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
4. Demanding
You must be extremely physically fit and are expected to hike or ride four to six hours over steep or more rugged terrain.
5. Strenuous
Prolonged hiking/biking on moderate to difficult terrain (five to nine hours a day).
May include high altitude, rugged terrain etc..
Day to Day Itinerary
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Airport: Baltra
Cruising, snorkeling, wildlife

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