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- From Mont Ventoux to Chateauneuf du Pape
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 vacations in France, Provence


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 tours in France, Provence
From Mont Ventoux to Chateauneuf du Pape

Itinerary for From Mont Ventoux to Chateauneuf du Pape

Sample Itinerary - subject to changes

Despite all our care to update the description of our itineraries, there can be changes on the ground that are not reflected in the notes.
Roadwork occurs every year: signs can disappear or change, new intersections can form or change... Remain vigilant while reading the notes, paying close attention to the cumulative mileage on your bike computer and in the route notes. In case of a doubt along the route, be aware of how to return to that spot easily if you’ve made the wrong turn.

Day 1: Arrival
Arrival on your own in the medieval town of Avignon. You can visit the covered market every morning (except Mondays). 
Meals included: none
Overnight in Avignon

Day 2: Avignon to Uzès
Your journey begins northbound through Barthelasse island. Here, two branches of the Rhône frame a paradise of country lanes and orchards of all kinds. An out and back detour to the village of Châteauneuf du Pape is tempting before you head westward to Tavel, France's capital of rosé wines. Beyond Tavel, you cycle through rolling hills of pine forest and shrub vegetation, some easy hills to get your legs warmed up. You reach the majestic town of Uzes, with its regal stone mansions, castle of the Dukes, and Places des Herbes square.
Cycling about 49km +550m/ 400m // Longer option with Châteauneuf du Pape detour 74km
Meals included: Breakfast
Overnight in Uzès

Day 3: Uzès to Saintes Maries de la Mer
With the dominant Mistral winds at your back, the day's ride is almost entirely southbound to the Mediterranean Sea.
Today you visit the Pont du Gard, a 2000 year old bridge spanning over the Gardon River, part of an aqueduct of awe inspiring Roman engineering. Take a break by the river's edge, marveling at the bridge's seemingly impossible architecture and beauty. Beyond the Gardon river, some rolling hills of vineyards await, eventually dipping down to the plains, where open fields and salt flats lead the way, extending into the horizon. Through the Camargue you reach the town of Les Saintes Maries de la Mer, with its white washed homes set in otherwise wild marshlands.
Cycling about 98km +350m/500m
Meals included: Breakfast
Overnight in Saintes Maries de la Mer

Day 4: Saintes Maries de la Mer to Arles
As flat as a pancake and windswept by the Mistral, you leave the Mediterranean through the heart of the Camargue Nature Park. Dotted with sparse bull and horse farms, graced by the overhead flight of thousands of flamingos, the lands of the Camargue seem desolate, with sparse tufts of hearty plants surviving the salt
rich soils. The rounded, north facing walls of traditional white Camargue homes deflect the powerful winds. At the ride's end you cross the mighty Rhône River to reach the Roman town of Arles, a lively town whose streets are set around a 2000 years old Roman coliseum.
Cycling about 53km +/ 100m
Meals included: Breakfast
Overnight in Arles

Day 5: Arles to L'Isle sur la Sorgue
Leaving Arles, you head north, passing the very spot where Van Gogh painted his "Starry Night over the Rhône". You are riding towards Les Alpilles a jagged limestone massif. Cycling up into the heart of the mountains, you reach the perched medieval village of Les Baux, hanging defiantly on its rocky crag, overlooking its prized olive groves. A freewheeling descent takes you down the north face of the Alpilles and to the artists' village of St. Rémy, where Van Gogh spent the last year of his life here. From here he did his most prolific and acclaimed work. Heading eastward you then cross the Durance Valley and follow small country lanes across the fertile plains, lined with fruit orchards, to reach the town of l'Isle sur la Sorgue.
Cycling about 66km + 450m
Meals included: Breakfast
Overnight in L'Isle sur la Sorgue

Day 6: Perched Villages of Provence
They are called "perched" villages for a reason: high above the plains, and sometimes set dizzyingly above the rock upon which they were built.
With each climb under your belt the beauty of each village is unveiled: Gordes and its rings of homes sweeping upwards towards its castle, Roussillon and its village homes painted in a palette of colour from pale yellow to deep red, Bonnieux and its labyrinth of winding streets to its Romanesque church, huddled below majestic cedars, and the village of Lacoste, crowned by the ruins of Sade's castle.
Cycling about 73km + 1000m
Meals included: Breakfast
Overnight in L'Isle sur la Sorgue

Day 7: Isle sur la Sorgue to Bedoin 
In the sleepy village of Méthamis, you take a seldom used road winding eastward and upward, gaining 500m in elevation to the St. Hubert farm. With an overhead view of the vast lavender fields, you reach the village of Monieux. Then the real fun begins: arguably the most spectacular cycling road Provence has to offer: Les Gorges de La Nesque. Set above a spectacular canyon, a slow and winding 20km descent twists through limestone arches, at times the gradient barely discernible if not for your roaring speeds. Exhilarating...You touch down in the village of Villes sur Auzon, back in the plains. With the summit of Mont Ventoux at its closest, you defiantly head closer to its base, to the village of Bedoin.
Cycling about 81km +1300m/ 1000m
Meals included: Breakfast
Overnight in Bedoin

Day 8: Mont Ventoux
You're at 300 meters, and the summit soars at 1.5 km higher in the sky. With an average grade of 7.5%, you're facing 22km of pure uphill. Often touted as the hardest climb in France, Ventoux is a true test for your climbing legs, attracting amateur cyclists from all over the world. The first 5km are the easiest, a gradual uphill through the orchards and vines, passing the hamlet of Sainte Colombe. But then as you climb through the oak, cedar and then beech forests the slopes are at their most severe. By the time you reach the Chalet Reynard, with only 6km left to go, the gradient is more forgiving. The final hairpin turn towards the summit stands before you like a wall, but with the goal in view you find the energy to surge over the top... There are several options to return to Bedoin, but it's all downhill from here.
Cycling about 56 km + 1800m
Meals included: Breakfast
Overnight in Bedoin

Day 9: Departure
End of your tour in Bedoin or add an extra night.

Note: Risk of snow on Mt Ventoux in March/April/Oct/Nov. This tour is not available in July & August, because of path restrictions (fire risk). Possible local
authorities restrictions from Late June to September 15th.

Optional Extension: Around Mont Ventoux (95km + 1600m) - Inquire for extra cost
The Gabelle road is magnificent as you climb up from Flassan, winding at a regular incline on a seldom used road. You reach Sault and admire the vast expanse of lavender fields before tucking in behind the mountain, along the Toulourenc valley. Here, you cycle through forgotten villages, far from the tourist radar, including Reilhanette and Brantes, the later deserving a lengthy visit. Eventually, you reach the tiny village of Veaux and cross the Toulourenc (you can go for a dip here) before a winding road leads you to Malaucène, and then back to Bedoin.
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From Mont Ventoux to Chateauneuf du Pape
Tour Code: ZZ-FR-Cycle10
9 days / 8 nights ~$1,440.00
Dates: March to Nov

Level : Fitness Level
Difficulty Levels Explained
1. Easy
Easy pace and an average-to-sedentary level of fitness. You should be in good health and fit enough for full day of normal sightseeing and walking.
2. Easy to Moderate
An average level of fitness or some experience with the featured activity is recommended.
3. Moderate
Requires you to have performed the featured activity regularly, with some periods on challenging terrain. Activities are mandatory and you may be traveling at high elevations. You need to be in good health and physical condition to enjoy these trips, with adequate muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
4. Demanding
You must be extremely physically fit and are expected to hike or ride four to six hours over steep or more rugged terrain.
5. Strenuous
Prolonged hiking/biking on moderate to difficult terrain (five to nine hours a day).
May include high altitude, rugged terrain etc..
Day to Day Itinerary
Rates | Dates
Airport: Marseille
Self guided cycling, sightseeing

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