Horseback riding in Norway

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Horseback riding vacations in Norway

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Equestrian tours in Norway

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Our equestrian tours in Norway

Horseback riding vacations in Norway

Horse riding vacations in NorwayNorway is famous for its breathtaking fjords and dramatic features.  Horse riding holidays in Norway afford adventurous riders a chance to appreciate the natural wonders of the Scandinavian countryside first hand.  Hidden Trails offer excellent horse vacations in Norway’s stunning mountains.  Here you will encounter deep valleys, towering mountains and a true sense of adventure on an authentic Norwegian horse tour.

The stunning fjords of the southwest are Norway's most dramatic and scenic features, but there are many other reasons to visit this sparsely populated land on the northern fringe of Europe. The North Cape's midnight sun is rightly famous - here, far above the Arctic Circle, lies the spectacularly situated town of Tromsø, where the sun never rises in winter, nor sets in midsummer.

In the sparsely populated wilderness that lies between the main urban centers are such wondrous delights as Jostedalsbreen, Europe's largest glacier. There are opportunities to indulge in outdoor activities including wilderness horseback tours, skiing, fishing and rock-climbing. Even the less energetic can simply marvel at the awesome beauty of much of the Norwegian countryside, with its countless steep-sided valleys, high mountain lakes and unbelievable views.

Horse Riding in Norway
Horse riding holidays in Norway revolve around the mountains – of which there are plenty.  Norway is iconic for its glaciers, vast valleys and high peaks.  Icelandic horses are often used on Norwegian horse trekking holidays because of their sure footedness and hardiness.  Typically on a Norwegian horseback riding holiday you will stay in rustic huts amongst magnificent scenery.

Norway Culture and People
Norwegians have a word for their tradition of living with nature and in the outdoors: Friluftsliv. 'Life beneath the stars' or 'open air life ' approximate the holistic harmony that is the Scandinavian way of life. Experience Friluftsliv on horseback in Norway’s extraordinary coastal fjords, mountains and glaciers.

Norway Weather and Climate
The climate in Norway differs from that of the rest of Scandinavia. The high mountain ranges dividing mainland Norway provide protection from precipitation to large areas of inland eastern Norway, giving this area a more continental climate than would be expected in light of its proximity to the coast. Some of these areas east of the mountains have an annual rainfall of less than 300 mm. Most of the precipitation from the sea falls along the west coast of Norway, with some areas recording a maximum rainfall of 3000 mm annually.

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